Welcome and leave commands


Welcome channel: /welcome channel (#channel)
Welcome text: /welcome text (text)
  • Adding "{user}" in the text message displays the name of the user in the welcome message.
Welcome image: /welcome image (link) Welcome dm: /welcome dm Welcome role: /Welcome role (role) How to remove welcome commands Welcome channel: /welcome remove welcome Welcome remove text: /welcome remove message Welcome remove dm: /welcome remove dm Welcome remove role: /welcome remove How to set welcome commands back to default state Welcome default message: /welcome default message Welcome default background: /welcome default background About: Commands to get a custom message and picture when a user joins your server.


Leave channel: /leave channel (#channel)
Leave text: /leave text (text)
  • Adding "{user}" in the text message displays the name of the user in the leave message.
Leave image: /leave image (link) How to remove leave commands Leave channel: /leave remove leave Leave text: /leave remove message How to set leave commands back to default state Leave default message: /leave default message Leave default background: /leave default background About: Commands to get a custom message and picture when a user leave your server.